Emotional Me
Bitched at 12:42 a.m. on 2002-11-23

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Hiyas... Today was a crazy day. Another emotional day. Ya know something... back when I was like 14, one of my good friends boyfriends at the time told me that I was an "Over emotional- Hyper sensitive being". I now think I can appreciate that comment. Back then, I wanted to kick his ass from there to Timbuktu and back. Go figure, eh?

Work was all right as far as the work went. my line ran smooth with zero complications. A first time in a long time that I haven't had some type of catastrophe.

The start of shift was a bit hectic. The boss had his "panties" all in a bunch due to one of the Yoda's (a cnc lathe) being down and he was on the phone trying to get an engineer or something. And AFLAC had people there to enroll or unenroll us from their policies. Now I don't know how much anyone knows about AFLAC. I won;t go into all of the particulars, But I will say this: AFLAC FUCKING ROCKS!!! I have the accident, sickness, short term disability and the highest cancer insurance. It costs me approx. $22 a week, but they take pre-tax dollars, so It ends up being cheaper. If I get an eye exam, my yearly physical, etc. I get paid by them. If I get hurt, like when I cut a sliver of skin off of my finger, tiny sliver really, but it wouldn;t stop bleeding, so I had to go to the hospital, and they had a hell of a time to get my throbbing digit clamped off- I got $140. Now mind you, I have awesome insurance thru work. It pays for nearly everything. So the money AFLAC sends me, is mine to keep. Well ya-flipping-hoo! Its nothing to get rich off of (unless you're inot pain and torture I guess) but it makes things nice. I don't whine about going to the "Vet" anymore. Believe me. I just shut up and know theres a bonus check waiting for me. Is that sick in itself? Hmm.

Right now, I have my Totally 80's CD in the drive and jamming. Walking on Sunshine is playing by Katrina and The Waves. I LOVE thiks song. But it's so far from the truth. I'd love to be walking on sunshine. But I think I am still splashing thru the mud and muck. All night, with every gauge I did, every paper I filed, and everytime I signed my name with my title behind it... I knew tonight was the last night of it.At the end of the night, as I sat at my computer for the last time, and wrote my daily notes I thanked the company for giving me the opportunity to learn the position of QC and wished the person taking over for me luck. I thought it very big of me. Then I laid my head down on my table and cried. Bawled as a matter of fact.

I know I have often bitched about this or that pertaining to my job. But g'damn it, I LOVED that job. I loved that they thought enough of me to give me such an important position. I learned everything I could. I did my job to the best of my abilities and I was one of the best. Perhaps, the best on my shift in our plant. I was part of something bigger there. I made huge decisions, I assured quality. I can honestly say that Honda NEVER recieved any shit parts off of my clock. And I am going to miss it.

I am now officially back to a shop rat peon. It sucks. Its unfair. But what can I do? I don't know that I will like going back to running a machine, but I swore to myself that come hell or high water, I am going to go tow ork, run my machine and give it all I've got. I am NOT going to be a bitter disgruntled employee. Not for as long as I am there.

The AFLAC lady who runs the local office offered me a business card and applied that she would give me a job. I was shocked. I guess she likes my personality. I think it's a job I would love. Lord knows I ahve the gift to gab! I bet I could sell a bunch of stuff. She couldn't talk about it much because it wouldn't be too ethical and all that jumbo. But just maybe, just maybe I'll give her a call. The only thing scary about the job is that it's on comission. Ugh. With the way people are tight asses about money right now, myself included, is a comission job the wise way to go???

I called my Dad and baby sister today and begged and pleaded for them to come up tomorrow for a night. I miss them all so much. I even broke down and bawled to my dad telling him how desperately I needed a "Daddy Fix". He felt horrible, and said he would see what he could do. God, I felt bad for laying a guilt trip on him. But, I am good at it. Hell, maybe there's a new job for me. I could be a travel agent for guildt trips. LOL!

We had a pot luck tonight at work. The one girl who gets to keep her job when it should be mine, but I got screwed demanded $5 from everyone and bought food. She cooked 4 turkeys and bought the trimmings. Some people contributed foods. I took chocolate mousse. But I was so pissed, as was Shawn the boss. She didn;t move her fat ass from the break room for nothing. he had to keep going in there and demanding she go out on the floor and work for her money. And they kept her. Ugh. Poor Shawn. He'll get to deal with her from now on.

On a not so glum note, I happened to discuss religion with one of the girls I work with, Renee. Well, the boss Shawn was in the office and he is a religious man. Which I didn't know. He really knows his shit too. We had this really awesome, in depth conversation. He told me about this guy that does a show called The Shepherd's Chapel and he's on everymorning. I guess this guy is an honest man who never asks for a dime, and when he does recieve donations, he puts it all back into his work. he's a farmer in Arkansas to make his living. I guess he reads the Bible word for word. Doesn't embelish or anything. I called the satellite company I have, but we don't get it on our satellite system. It's a local channel. So I took Shawn some blank tapes and he's gonna tape it for me. They have a websight www.shepherdschapel.com. I gues you can hear him read there. They also have an introductory packet with a tape you can order for free. I did. Shawn says it rocks. I'm looking forward to getting into this.

I am by far NOT a religious "freak". I am a christian. I do not believe in organized religion as a must. I mean if ya feel like going to church, go. I often do. Especially one that I find that I am truly at home in. But I haven't found one in my area. I like to go and be surrounded by fellow christians. And even more, I liekt o be surrounded by people I can converse and study with who have intelligent input and discussions like Renee, Shawn and I had. Hell, maybe I can even talk them into a night every so often to get together and studying.

Religion is a huge part of my life. I guess I can honestly say that throughout my 26 years, it is the only thing that hasn't failed me, let me down , discouraged me or made me feel insignificant. It always gives me hope & lifts my spirits. Maybe I don't study it enough. I'm working on taht now.

Shawn and I ahve this weekend off. I have some light house keeping to do. Cookies ready to be baked. And I plan to do a lot of nothing. I just want to be this weekend. Just be me.



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Emotional Me - 2002-11-23