Intro to Me
Bitched at 2:37 a.m. on 2002-07-12

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Well, again this page is giving me fits. It seems my first entry did not stick, so I shall try, try again... Ugh. Ange would send me somplace I really wanna try and then my rowser really would have to avt up. I have been booted a zillion times. The frustration meter is through the roof!

Here goes. I shall tell you a little about me....

One day, I am going to be all that I can be. (Without the help of the Army mind you!) I plan to see to it that I live my life without any regrets whatsoever. And one day, I would like to have enough finances to open up a ranch style resort for kids with physical and mental challenges. There just aren't enough places to help people with certain challenges know that they aren't alone, and that they are not Freaks as society sometimes sees fit to deem them. I want to own a nice home, with a white picket fence, have a few cats (I currenently have 3) and the standard 2.3 kids (I'm gonna see how that is possible), and I want to "have it all". After all, what good is having a life of possibilities, if you never dare nor take the time to dream them up?

I also have a strong faith in God... my believed higher power whom has given birth to life, to souls, and the power to question and reason. I believe in a God who made the ultimate sacrifice, and in He who gave me breath, a soul, a mind and the ability to dream... and through those dreams, the ability to fly. (even if only figuratively speaking)

There are some people whom doubt in the Lord, that have questioned how I can believe in a God which I cannot see, cannot converse with, and cannot know truly exists. Which, in turn, I beg to differ. I CAN see God, I see him in all of his wonderous creations. I see him in the hearts of so many. And I CAN converse with God. I pray to him, and though he may not answer me as you or the next person would, I hear his answers. They come to me through an inner voice deep within my soul. And sometimes, he sends his answers through other people, or other means. And I know he exists through records kept throughout the ages, The Bible, the churches, history. And more importantly, I FEEL him. Within every fiber of my being.

And hypothetically, let's just say that when I die, there is no heaven or hell. Let us say that when I die, there is in fact no God, no promised glories- only emptiness. Then so be it. The way I look at things, there are no guarantees in life that anything I say or believe is right or true. But my faith in God and in all that he stands for gives me peace. It gives me a reason to wake up each day and smile, my faith gives me hope, happiness and the thought that no matter what wrongs I do, I will always be forgiven, loved and important to Him.... unconditionally. With all that God gives me freely, how can I go wrong?

Well, that was more than a "little" bit about me. But quite honestly, it's... Simply Sara. And welcome to my diary!

Now, Take this kiss upon the brow,

and in parting from you now

thus much let me avow;

is not all that we see or seem,

but a dream within a dream?

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Intro to Me - 2002-07-12