Back to the grind...
Bitched at 11:05 p.m. on 2005-01-02

Currently Feeling: giddy to be going back to work!
Currently Hearing: Kelly Clarkson's Break Away
Currently Craving: Sex, sex and more sex! (I rang in the new year on the rag! What a curse! (TMI?)

Hey Y'all... thanks for tuning in. I must say, I am a bit excited. It's back to work tomorrow! Yeehaw! I know, I know... doesn't that just sound insane?! But in the past 11 days that I have been off of work- I have run more errands, done more work here at home and stressed out way more here than I ever could have at work! But alas, it now comes to an end. I can now go to bed and sleep well knowing that I will wake up tomorrow, pull myself together and get back to my routine. That is such a damn relief. I actually missed that place. And Jamie. And of course, Frank.

Jamie is a good friend of ours. He and I are quite a trip when we're together. We are constantly thinking up new ways to trash talk one another. We're always trying to get under one another's skins and we flirt like undersexed fiends. Jamie even let's me hump his leg at work. God, how I have missed that!

Frank is a trip too. he's the more bashful and quiet one of our little trio. But I think I have him coming around. He's a lot less bashful and more assertive- and he blushes a lot less when I try to hump on his leg or flirt with him. Frank is my own personal life support system. I go to him with everything I am thinking, feeling or any questions I have. And I know that he's safe and will give it to me "no holds barred," without any false pretenses. And of course, Frank and I share in all things sinful... like my chocolate cravings. When I get one, he dutifully watches as I make my purchase, extract it fromt he machine and devour it. But only half. Then he dutifully eats the other half so that I don't get ill from too much sugar. He just rocks my world, damn it.

Both him and Jamie do actually. Jamie is another part of my life support system. We make an awesome trio. Sometimes, Shawn gets a bit overwhelmed with it all. But a girl's gotta have her posse. Can I help that mine bear penises instead of vaginas???

I am still working on my New Year's resolutions. I have a couple set, but not all of them. When i finish them, I plan on sharing them. I think that when ya share what ya wanna change with people, they kind of hold your ass to the grindstone and make you stick to it whether or not you feel like it. It can be a royal pain in the ass at times- but usually, it works out for the better. As long as you can refrain from beating them to within an inch of their mortal lives... so far, I've managed to stay sane enough to not do that...yet. I have my ways of taking out my agressions. Muah- ha- ha!

Well, it's starting to get late and I have a few things I want to get done before I get some much needed rest. Tomorrow's a big day for me. There's a whole lotta leg humping, and grab-assing to be catching up on.

Wishing y'all well!



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Back to the grind... - 2005-01-02