Busy Body- that's me
Bitched at 8:28 p.m. on 2004-04-18

Currently Feeling: Feverish... spring does that to me
Currently Hearing: nada at the moment
Currently Craving: a full nights sleep

This week has been crazy. You�d have thought that after a week off from work I�d be all relaxed and ramped up for my week back� nope. I was too tired, my head has had thoughts running rampant that has been making simple thought processes difficult- and now, as if that wasn�t enough, spring has finally rolled in. Warm weather, sunshine and a fresh greenness I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see again. I�ve got spring fever something fierce. I think everyone at work has. There is nothing worse than spring rolling in proudly- only to be cooped up in a factory where sunlight is non-existant and fresh air is but a distant memory. Ugh.

We had our monthly union meeting last Thursday. And since I had just come back from Black Lake and the LUPA conference, I got to share with them my excitement about starting a union website and monthly newsletter. And the hype really seems to be contagious to a small degree. Which is good to see really. I have tinkered with the website a bit more since I�ve been home. I now have a 3-man newspaper committee to work with (myself included). But it�s a start. I have some story ideas and content agendas that I�ve been doodling with. I�m thinking that if we don�t have to work next weekend, I will try to get everyone together for our first meeting. I promised our executive board that I would have our first publication up and ready for distribution by the next meeting. I wasn�t kidding. This is something I will do. I don�t care what it takes.

With all of the union press stuff sitting on my plate, I haven�t had much time for anything else. Not to mention I have been ill and dealing with a toothache. But I think my laryngitis is finally almost gone and I have a tube of Anbesol so for now- I am good to go.

I made a big turkey dinner with all of the trimmings last night. I told Bryan if he came over I�d cook a turkey or a ham. He wanted turkey. I even borrowed a friends rotisserie. The turkey was divine- ONCE Shawn and I figured out how to mount it on the spit without limbs dangling and hitting the heating elements. (We ate a wingless bird LOL!) It was very yummy! Nicol and Samantha also joined us for dinner and while the guys played Madden Football on the PS2- we ladies had a night of Skip Bo and Rummy.

I had to work today. Joy! Joy! (Not!) But it�s for double time so I can deal with it. The only shitty part besides only getting one day off is that I have to be to my Doc�s office at 9 a.m. for my surgery consultation. Ugh. I pray to God I don�t oversleep for this one! This is the �big� appointment. This is where I found out a definite answer as to whether or not I can have it done. I�m so nervous. But I�m holding tight to the faith that tells me everything will be okay. That I will be okay!

So to sum it all up, I'm a busy body. In every sense of the word. And more often than not, happily so.



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Busy Body- that's me - 2004-04-18