Burning the midnight oil...
Bitched at 11:53 p.m. on 2003-08-01

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

I'm burning the midnight oil tonight.... not like usualy. I'm actually going to be burning oil. The stuff in my car as I have finished packing, have my brother cleaning out my car as I type this, and am only waiting for Shawn now to get home and put some cash in my hands.

I'm headed home. Home to my family, the town I grew up in for 22 years... and to God knows what they have planned for me. Both my brother Adam, and Shawn's brother Shane are going with me. Shane's going to stay at his sisters once we get down there.

I haven;t been home just to hang out in forever. the last time I tried it, things got ugly. Some of you might know to what I'm talking about.

But there will be none of that this time. Just me, my sisters, my niece, nephew and my brother & Dad. YAY!

Everything here has been going well. I've been struggling to fight off a migraine that I now think I have ebbed enough to be bearable. Hopefully, it ebbs itself right out. I've a lot of driving ahead of me this weekend.

So Diaryland, you will have a couple days off from my diarrhea of the mouth as I am enjoying my family. I will most likely update from there. But as for any philosophical entries, they'll have to wait.

Because this weekend, I'm tearing up the town. And with my family at my side.

Well, Shawn just pulled up. My e-mail's been read. Adam says teh car is clean. And I'm ready. Best wishes this weekend, Diaryland.

I wish you well.



P.S. forgive me for not spell checking. I'm too excited.

Gotta Bounce!

2 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Burning the midnight oil... - 2003-08-01