Lazy Day
Bitched at 10:20 p.m. on 2003-07-18

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

I'm feeling a bit like my normal self... Spazzy. Which is a good thing really. It's been a lazy day. We got up early to take care of J.C., we're having to give him 2 doses of amoxicillan and two I.V. treatments a day. Morning and night. And when we finished that, we headed for the city so I could pick up my safety glasses for work that FINALLY came in some 2 plus weekks after I ordered them.

We did it all in time to get to work without being late. But we hadn't counted on the people misplacing my glasses or the condtruction we encountered. We would have been late. And if you're more than 5 minutes late, you incurr a whole occurance. To which you only get 9 a year before you're fired. So, since we were taking a whole occurance- we played hookie! I got out my trusted and well loved cell phone, dialed those magic digits and wallah. No work today.

So, being in town and having the day off, we hit the mall. Shawn went and ordered his own pair of glasses since contacts weren;t working for him. And then we hit Hot Topics to which Shawn treated me to 6 new nose rings. And they're great too! Very stylin' if I may say so m'self.

Then we went for dinner, which we ate happily and chatted. Then hit the video store where I returned the 2 discs of Six Feet Under and the Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie. If you haven;t seen the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.... stop reading, scurry yourself to your vehicle and make a mad dash to the nearest rental store. I have never laughed so hard in all my life. It was awesome, hilarious and good fun. I will be buying the DVD first chance I get. I also finally got my hands on Sex and the City's entire second season on DVD so I was tickled pink.

I have big plans for the weekend. Heh. Tomorrow is house work day. Laundry, vacuuming, dishes, etc. I'd like to get the place spiffy enough so that I might could have some friends over on Sunday for a cook out and maybe even a bon fire. I was thinking of going to a beach... But Shawn says he's not really feeling the beach thing this weekend as it's not s'posed to be too warm. He's wanting to entertain at home. So, although I love the idea- I really do. It means a whole lotta work for me tomorrow. I don't even know if anyone will show as I don't know what Scott and Tammy's plans are yet. Although I'm fairly sure that Ed and Annette would come.

Work has been crazy. In the past few days, everything that could have gone wrong- has. And everyone has been asking me why Tara and I aren't speaking. I swear it's high school all over again. Excepts the gossipping fools aren't greasy haired, acne clad teens at a pep rally. They're all adults with nothing better to do than get into other peoples business.

I try not to talk about it at work. It's not the time, place or anyone's business really. But with people speculating, and you should hear some of the whopper ideas people had... I filled a couple people in that I am closer to. Well, kind of. I gave them the edited addition. I left out certain things. But they got the point.

I just want the bull shit to end. It was over a long time ago. I know poeple are naturally curious... but damn. Enough's enough... yanno?

Tara's been rather immature about things. It's rather funny to me. It can be annoying. But that's life. I choose to focus on the funny things. Like the fact that I can be talking to someone an she'll waltz right up an try to butt in about something she thinks she wants to talk to that person with. Like Frank and I were chatting about things at work and she waltz's up like she owns the place an while he's mi sentence just starts yapping at him. I'm staning there trying not to laugh. She ene up walking away an Frank was like, what the fuck is that about. So I tol him she's been doing that. Now we both laugh cuz he's seen it too. It's just that kin of crazy stuff that keeps happening that adds to the gossip.

I did lock out my entry on what all happened. I put it in a private folder so not just anyone can access it. From what I am told, Tara shows anyone an everyone who will pay attention... and I put more in there than she neee to clue people in on. R could really be affecte by it. I don't think Tara cares, but I do. Shawn brought it up because people had been talking to him about it.

He started telling me that it wansn't the smartest thing for me to do. What? Writing in my diary? Because it's on line he and a few others said. The only people I recall giving the address to is Tara and Tammy. And I know Tammy wouldn't talk shit.

So Shawn and I got in an argument. You see, he never minded me writing my diary on line before when he thought no one was reaing it. Now that he knows people read it- it's different. Her perception of my online iary has changed. Do I care? Nope. Not in the slightest.

I am not a person who has ever been closed to people. I'm not one to guard my thoughts, feelings or anything else. You wanna know, ask. If it's your business, i'll let ya know. If I don't think it is, I'll let you know. I write here on D'land because it's therapeutic. I LIKE writing here. I like being able to vent. And I guess I even like the thought of people reading my inner most feelings. I find no shame in it. I'm rather proud of the established readers I have. And all I've accomplished here.

So if Shawn or other people don't like it... boo fucking hoo.

I've never been one to aim to please.

So... that's it for now. No deep thoughts... no aha! moments... Just a bland entry.

But, then again- that's me.



0 bitches

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Lazy Day - 2003-07-18