Boring Entry. Frustration
Bitched at 4:31 a.m. on 2003-05-22

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Frustrated.... completely, utterly and totally.

It hasn't been a bad few days since my last entry. It really hasn't. Just a bit chaotic and busy. After my weekend up north with Tara and company- I needed a few days to get my house back in shape, my laundry caught up, and my brain back in responsible mode. I'm still struggling. Funny how a weekend of carefree enjoyment can cloud the brain for days to follow. But for me, it does.

Work has been going all right. Ray by his own admission has been a bit bitchy. But tonight, he seemed to be more himself. He's a pretty moody one lately. And to top it all off, he and 'Zilla (Dan is his christian name) have both decided to quit smoking. And being a smoker, I know what bitchiness can come from that. Tara's been quite moody also. Understandably so. Renee has been her usual cheerful and wild self. And me? I have been in a sad state of "blah-ville."

Tara called me and woke me out of bed this afternoon just to tell me her loan had gone thru and how excited she was. Which, I am indeed happy for her. AND- that she was calling into work today. BITCH! Turns out, Renee called in too. I was bummed. Maybe even a bit jealous.

I decided to take a vacation day Friday and have Julez or Tina cover me if they would so when MY loan rolled in with the mail, I cfould go pay off my mechanic, insure my car and FINALLY get it back in my damn driveway and on the road. But Julez already promised to pick up a day shift so she couldn;t do it. Bitch! And Tina said no too. Bigger Bitch. So no Friday vacation day for me.

After work, Shawn and I stopped at the local 24 hour we have everything store and cash our checks and buy groceries. I was in a state of bliss knowing that my Dad, niece and nephew will be up here early Saturday a.m. So I bought enough supplies to keep the kids entertained and fed.

I even spoiled myself a little, not that I can afford it. But I bought myself a portable CD player since mine took a shit months ago and I haven't been able to afford a new one. Taking a shower music free just sucks moose cock for me. I need music. I die on my singing alone. I also got a coupel bras and some storage bowls for left overs. Oh, and a new toaster. So I spoiled myself with monies I couldn't afford to spend. Do I care? Umm, no. I haven;t shopped in eons. And damn it, I'll have my car back this weekend. Our car payments will just be late. But such is life.

So that's it for me really. Just ticking away the minutes 'til I have 3.5 days with my Dad and my babies. My Dad and I are planning to do some gardening this weekend. I plan to spoil my babies.

I need this weekend. Badly.

And hopefully, someday soon, I'll ahve a more interesting entry.

'Til then...



1 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

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Boring Entry. Frustration - 2003-05-22