Bitch Fest
Bitched at 1:00 a.m. on 2003-01-07

Currently Feeling:
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Currently Craving:

Well, hello again, Diary! It's me, Sara! Remember me?!

LoL. It's been awhile. But it's been a hectic while. New Year's has come and gone. Once again, third year running, I was sick. I thought I was going to get lucky this tear. I even dared to tempt fate and made plans to go to the bar with some fun and enjoyable members of Shawn's family. But it was not meant to be. Which really through my thoughts of ringing in the New Year merrily unsober. Shawn and I stayed in. We both played The Sims Online and rang in the New Year with our new friends. At least I can be greatful I wasn't bed ridden I guess.

Yes, Folks, I am now an online addicted participant of The Sims Online. (TSO) It is a strategy game where you make a character, you pick a City, (I am in Interhogen) and you live a virtual reality life. You make friends, make enemies, you give your Sim a personality. It rocks. My friend Renee from work and Shawn also play. The 3 of ud are all roomies in the house I built. I have met some very cool people that I am sure you will hear all about as time goes on.

It's definately a must buy if your into any on line gaming, if you played the Sims first version and liked it, this is much better. So hurry, run out and buy it. And if ya happen to make a sim in Interhogen, look up Jazmyn Rain. I'll be sure glad to see ya!

Things at work are looking up... for now. We're back to work, and after all that time off, it really was hard to get up this a.m. knowing that it was the start of my first full work week of the 2003 year. But I did it. And it went well. I am now reinstated back into the Quality Control department. I got my job back, my hourly rate back and my sense of being in a job that I am good at. I'm where I feel I belong again, and ooh, it gives me warm fuzzies.

Things at home have been up and down. I have faced a lot of awkward moments between Shawn's Mom and I. We now clash. She's lived with us almost a year now. She doesn't like anything I do and thinks me to be a cold heartless bitch... hell, maybe I am. But it's been an almost full year of her living with us rent free, bill free. She sits in my living room, the biggest couch potato I have ever seen. She rarely bothers to bathe or even dress for that matter. And I can tell you that in the time that she has been here, NEVER once has she brushed her teeth. It's terrible. I am a stickler for good hygiene. Ugh. She doesn't help with housework. I can;t watch t.v. anymore 'cause she talks all the way thru it. She's always talking about boils on her ass, how her ass leaked puss for a period and how she and her lame ass good for nothing but mooching boyfriend likes to do her in the ass. Yes, these are the things I live with. I refuse to sit on my own flipping toilet seat and although I am allergic, bleach is my best friend. I can;t have company over because of the things she talks about, yes, even when I have company. She has me snapped. Near nuclear meltdown of the mind, and no amount of Calgon would ever save me.

So... I think I finally got that fact across to Shawn. He told his Mom it's been long enough, she needs to get off her ass and move on. YAY! However, it's been almost a week and she still sits in her pajamas, unbathed and not doing anything about it. She's about to see me open up a can of whoop ass that no one knew I had in me lemme tell ya. I've had it. And it's about to come down to her and me. And if it's me who goes, there's gonna be a lot of hurt feelings. Cuz I'll be feeling bitchy and ruthless. Two things ya don't wanna bring out in me in tandem.

I have been talking to some close friends about religion lately, and we have all been getting into it. My one friend who had known very little about religion at all went out and bought his first Bible. I was happy to hear that. I have been reading mine more (not as often as I'd like, but I hope to change that) and was thinking of trying to get our deep thinking philosophers of religion together on a semi-regular basis for a group Bible study. Then we can all discuss our thoughts and views. Religion has always been a passion of mine. Even more so when there are people to debate and converse with who share the same passion.

so... that's where I am at in my life. Probably a little more than you wanted to know, eh? But hey, it's my damn diary. I'll bitch if I want to. You would bitch too, if Shawn's momma lived with you!

Gotta motor...

Quite simply,


0 bitches

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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Bitch Fest - 2003-01-07